Deal ID | Deal Name | Company | Location | Amount | Days to close |
14404408525 | Vargas PLC Deal | Sims, Krause and Montoya | Rhode Island | 10500 | 142 |
14404793794 | Everett-Harvey Deal | Wilkins Group | New Jersey | 10700 | 239 |
14404930505 | Anderson-Wilson Deal | Ray-Dillon | Kentucky | 1200 | 561 |
14404409296 | Robinson-Ross Deal | Robinson-Ross | South Dakota | 12300 | 89 |
Metric & Root Cause Analysis
For example, Alice is a sales manager, and one of her most important KPIs is 'days to close,' which measures the average number of days it takes to close a deal. The shorter this period, the more deals her team can close, leading to increased revenue for the company. Therefore, this metric is crucial for evaluating her team's efficiency.
With Infer, Alice can define, track, and monitor 'days to close' across her sales team. She can now observe how it changes over time, instantly understand the reasons behind any fluctuations, and receive alerts for critical changes as they occur. Thanks to Infer, she no longer has to wonder what caused a change in deal length. Instead, she can take decisive action based on Infer's insights to address issues and optimize her sales process.